Quincy's Quill Quincy's Quill

Ever since I can remember, I have been fascinated by fish and aquatic life. The fact that you cannot see beneath the surface makes those creatures mysterious in their own way. That fascination led to me becoming an avid fly fisherman which eventually led to my education as a biologist. I hold a deep respect for the fauna on this planet and live my life as an outdoorsman to not only appreciate fish and wildlife, but to stay in touch with a side of being human that I hope to preserve.

My passion for fish and wildlife, and the environment as a whole has led me down two paths:

  1. To teach others how to appreciate the natural resources on this planet and ensure that they learn that we are here to coexist with these resources and not conquer them.
  2. To write stories about my adventures and allow those stories to feed my imagination.

I have realized in my professional career that the best way to pursue my passions is to make them a part of everyday life. I enjoy education because it allows me to share my passion with others and I enjoy writing of just about any kind because I believe that all written material is a story in itself.