Quincy's Quill Quincy's Quill

Allow Me to Introduce Myself

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Ok, cue the Jay-Z hit “PSA” as I write this post. As the hook of the song goes; ♫Allow me to reintroduce myself my name is♫–Quincy Milton. Perhaps you have read my about page or perhaps not, but here is the nitty gritty. I am a rising professional living on the east coast. However, I was born in the Pacific Northwest and I still claim to the mantra “west coast, best coast”. To this point, my life has been one of relative privilege and I have enjoyed a variety of fantastic experiences. Never wanting to take the precious little time with which we have been gifted for granted, I am constantly on the lookout for ways to enhance the stay on this floating rock we all call home, for myself, as well as others. I have been active throughout my life, participating in sports and enjoying the outdoors through a variety of activities. I am not one to let, as the saying goes, any moss grow beneath my feet. The active nature of my life — on teams and on solo adventures — has shaped who I am today.

So enough with all the blabbering, who am I today is the real question. I am a man who simply wants to get the most out of life. I love the outdoors, I love teaching, and I love to tell stories. A life lived with that triad is a life of happiness for me. I have navigated a unique outdoor life as a BIPOC without seeing many others who look like me sharing those outdoor spaces. I hope to share my experiences and diversify the outdoors through representation and education. Without my outdoor activities, there is not much to me. My passion for the outdoors, especially fly fishing, truly make up who I am at my core and I know that can be said for many people, even some who may not know it yet.

So how does this all pertain to storytelling? Well I am glad you asked. I was an only child which means that my imagination ran wild. I acted out whole performances entirely for myself, in worlds that only I knew existed. Even though everything was in my head I could see it in front of me as if it was clear as day. I don’t run around pretending I am a lightsaber-wielding anthropomorphic-tiger anymore, but the imagination never left the kid. Every written piece of work is a story, whether it is a short social media post or the epically long Lord of the Rings trilogy. Imagination is only a gateway to creativity which is the foundation for any good written piece.

So, to tie it all together, I am an outdoorsman who likes to teach his craft and write about it at the same time? You got it. Join me on this blog as I go on adventures and turn around and tell you about them. Participate with me and tell me about what you have done. Let’s learn from each other and continue to expand the outdoors to everyone who wants to enjoy it. After all, we all have the right to venture out and enjoy the outdoors.

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